Right Hand Ministries
RHM:  PO Box 12385   Oklahoma City, OK 73157   rhmhope1@gmail.com
While We Have Opportunity
April Update

Dear RHM Friends,
Greetings once again in the Precious Name of our Lord JESUS.

Remember to check out RHM's YouTube channel, and the BLOG on the website. We're trying to make posts more regularly, and these avenues will keep you informed concerning some of the ministry going on here, and also what to pray for. I believe you'll enjoy seeing the videos of the various ministries, perhaps making it more real to your hearts.

"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith." Galatians 6:10

The Bible teaches us plainly that in the last days there will be a deception over the minds of most people, as the MAJORITY will be "lovers of self, lovers of money...lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of GOD." (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Knowledge will increase (Daniel 12:4), and most will be consumed only with the cares and desires of this world. Has it not come to pass?! It's not an easy time to share about a heavenly calling and kingdom to a world that's full of distractions and toys to play with, but by the power of His Spirit and grace, we will move forward in faith, trusting in HIM to work miracles in the lives of broken and lost people. The one who "deceives the whole world" KNOWS that he only "has a short time" (Revelation 12:9,12), and he's doing all that he can to turns the hearts of believers and non-believers alike to vain things. Sadly, few Christians seem to recognize that our time is short, and that our OPPORTUNITY is quickly fading away: the opportunity to make a difference in this world. Pray for us, that we within RHM will not just be busy doing ministry, but truly will be able, by His power and grace, to set the captives free and equip them for eternity.

The ministry is carrying on by His grace. So thankful for a new phone and motorcycle which were purchased just a couple of days ago for the widows ministry. The Lord has given us such a gracious sponsor who is working with us to enable us to minister more effectively to the widows & elderly. Planning to also purchase at least 2 or 3 wheelchairs soon, and are currently involved in building new, little homes or repairing homes for these people. About 13 repairs or new homes have been completed in 2019, and there's as many as 20 more houses/repairs we're hoping to finish before the rainy season starts, perhaps in June. Pray for His favor in all these things.

A couple of requests we made in previous communication, both being assisted via the widows & elderly ministry: 1. Krupamma, the doctors saying she needed to have her 2nd leg amputated (she has serious diabetes). We praise the Lord that the doctors have changed their tune, currently saying that the medication seems to be helping with a wound/infection that is on her foot, and had spread to another part of her leg as well. 2. Prasad, who also has diabetes. He's almost completely blind, and recently had a stroke, leaving him partially paralyzed and unable to talk. Brother Prasanth said he is gradually making progress, and that his discouragement level is much less now.

Pray for the elections taking place here in India this month and in early May, both at the state and national levels. The corruption here is unreal, although to be expected if the sin nature is left unchecked. The ruling parties control much of the media, and in some places unashamedly are paying multitudes for their votes, and intimidating people at the polling locations. Elections are held in phases through mid-May, and the results are supposed to be announced on May 23rd. Even the counting of the votes could be greatly rigged. Currently, a strong Hindu party is ruling the national government (which is accelerating the level of persecution against Christians in India). And in this state of Andhra Pradesh, where most of our ministry is located, the ruling party has not so much been anti-Christian, but are incredibly corrupt in various aspects of governing the state. Only a miracle from our Lord can override the manipulation, lying, bribery, intimidation tactics, etc. which are prominent in this election. The contender is a professing Christian, and would have a good chance of winning if not for all the corruption taking place. He IS a GOD of miracles! "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think..." Ephesians 3:20

Praise the Lord that we now have one donation form, from which you (the donor) can make either a one-time donation, or a monthly recurring donation. It's finally simple and easy to use. Click onto the link above, or go to the website, to make sure it works (haha).

Thanks for your prayers and support! Bless you.

Brother Dan
ABOVE: This young man, Livingstone, is helping Brother Raju with the literacy program. This is in the village of Kondu Botlavaripalem. It's a mix of elderly and children, although the children have little ability to focus on studies. But the elderly are doing well, and most of them seem to have a genuine interest and are learning the alphabet.
ABOVE: This is the current position of the new girls home in another part of India. RHM has been a part of this girls home ministry since about 2012. The girls home is actually the whiter part on the left side. The kitchen and some bathrooms are the non-painted part on the right side. The bigger part in the middle is where they have a variety of meetings to encourage the believers and pastors. The girls will also utilize that part of the building at times also.
ABOVE:  Danay from the town of Karlapalem, standing in the "verandah" (similar to porch) of her newly built hut. Her previous one was in very bad condition, so it was better to tear it down and start anew. She is part of the widows & elderly program.
ABOVE: This one has been a bit of a learning experience. Trusting in the pastor and the contractor to follow our instructions, the initial structure was pathetic, having the "cement sheets" for a roof, but only tarps for walls. At least this will keep the rain out. It's built outside of the widow's son's house (her name is Sugunamma), who also provided too small of a space for her. Oh well, she seems to be happy with it, and it should help in the rainy season. She mostly stays outside anyway when it's not raining, under a shade tree. We've learned that we need to have more first-hand involvement, so that the homes are built or repaired properly. Good training for the future.
ABOVE: This is Ramulamma from Betapudi, outside her tent. She also is requesting for a new hut, which we should be starting soon.
ABOVE: HOPE girl Iswarya (middle with microphone), Sravani and Subhashini leading a song during a recent birthday function at the HOPE School. There's nearly 230 children now attending. Pray for the children's final exams, which are taking place now, and will likely continue until almost the last day of school, which is April 23rd. Some college-attending HOPE children also have exams in May and June.
ABOVE: HOPE School boys, including HOPE's own Yesubabu (2nd from right), giving the school administrator, Smitha, a gift on her March 30th birthday.
ABOVE: The HOPE School staff is giving a gift to Smitha on her birthday. Smitha's husband, Isaac (school principal) is to the left of her in the photo (yellow-striped shirt).
ABOVE: HOPE girls (right) are leading Sunday School in the village of Golapalem. We're happy to see more children gradually coming 2 or 3 Sundays a month when the HOPE girls are able to go.
ABOVE: Precious HOPE boys and girls showing some new dolls and cars they received recently from America. They think it's pretty special to get something from such a far away place.
ABOVE: The Lord has brought some happiness into the lives of these children, who otherwise might still be living in a life of poverty, abuse, abandonment and brokenness.
ABOVE: Happy to be able to do some little projects in HOPE from the cancelled Girls Home Project funds. This is a new driveway on the boys home property. Previously, all vehicles had to trudge through the sand to get near the buildings. Now there is a nice drive. There's also been other cement flooring work done, making it much easier (and cleaner) to get around. PTL!
ABOVE: This is in the village of Bangarakkapalem when going for the widows/elderly ministry. We rejoice that in many villages, not only are the elderly coming, but also children and other adults. We often have some children when they don't have school at that particular time. Please pray for His anointing as we share; we're not just passing time or doing religious exercises. Our Lord said that when 2 or 3 are gathered in His Name, He is there with us, and we're believing Him to show Himself strong in these meetings, whether there be many or few.
ABOVE: A beautiful sight, precious widows & elderly praying, and many times crying out to our precious Father! Don't underestimate the value or power involved in this, as there might be more being accomplished in these moments of prayer than in hundreds of hours of striving in our own strength to do His work.
"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31
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PO Box 12385, Oklahoma City, OK, 73157

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